Volunteer Park Ambassador



Mills Park AutumnOur Need for Park Ambassadors:                                                                                 

Carson City, NV has over 8,000 acres of Parks and Open Spaces that require attention every day. The Carson City Parks, Recreation and Open Space (CCPROS) Department is seeking volunteers to assist with the day-to-day maintenance in our Parks and Open Spaces. This program provides additional support to Carson City maintenance staff and will be an on-the-ground resource for our department. Individuals, groups and families are encouraged to apply. 

Our Parks and Open Space maintenance staff have shifting priorities during the day that often make it difficult to address simple tasks quickly at each Park and Open Space. Volunteers' presence in our Parks and Open Spaces, over time, will provide much needed assistance in certain routine tasks allowing our staff to tackle other important tasks. The CCPROS Department appreciates volunteers who can assist with some of the day-to-day operations at each of our Parks and Open Spaces. 

The mission of the Carson City Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department is to provide exceptional parks, open space, and diverse recreational opportunities to enhance the quality of life in Carson City while preserving our natural resources for future generations. We believe that Park Ambassadors will help us in fulfilling this mission. 

Volunteer Park Ambassador Position Description

Carson City Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department is looking for volunteers to assist with the day-to-day operations at our parks. We are looking for volunteers who can ideally spend a minimum of 1 hour each week at the assigned park of their choosing. To see a complete list of parks, see below! Volunteers can assist with a wider variety of tasks, depending on their skill level. Some tasks may include (but not limited to):

  • Picking up trash.
  • Weeding.
  • Picking up dog waste.
  • Report vandalism and broken infrastructure.
  • Other tasks dependent on your skillset!

Volunteers with skills and/or certifications in landscaping, tree pruning, gardening, etc. are strongly encouraged to apply.

Park Ambassadors may also be provided with the opportunity to lead interpretive hikes/walks or set up booths to talk to trail users about their Park/Open Space.

Carson City Parks and Open Spaces would benefit most from having one or more Park Ambassadors at the following locations:Ross Gold #4

  • Carson River Park
  • Centennial Park
  • East Silver Saddle Ranch
  • Governor's Field
  • Lone Mountain Cemetery
  • John Mankins Park
  • Mayor's Park
  • Mills Park
  • Park Terrace Park
  • Pete Livermore Sports Complex
  • Ross Gold Park

If you are interested in being a Park Ambassador for a Park/Open Space that is not listed above, please be sure to include it in your application (below) or reach out if you have questions! 

Age / Certifications and Trainings Required:

  • All ages are encouraged to apply!
  • Volunteers will be provided with appropriate training and supplies.
  • We are open to suggestions on trainings that would be beneficial for this program.


If interested in becoming a Park Ambassador, fill out this application and email it to our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@81623464.com

or if you have questions, please feel free to reach out!